Physical Therapy/ body work

The Biomechanical Basics:

The body is an intricately connected ecosystem, and no one part operates independently of the others. From a biomechanical perspective, the goal of physical function is to find the balance between mobility and stability. A body needs to be flexible enough to move and stable (strong) enough to control that motion. Tipping the balance too far in either direction leads to problems.

Our sessions are one-on-one with an emphasis in hands-on, individualized care. I want you to feel heard an honored as a person as we work together to guide you back to health.

The Deeper Dive:

While biomechanical PT training informs my approach to body work, I find it’s vital to acknowledge and respect the deep connection between a person and their body. I believe that a physical body is uniquely paired and perfectly designed for a person to experience whatever they came here to do in this lifetime. The body is innately wise and possesses an incredible capacity to heal that we’re barely beginning to understand. Your body is your perfect partner, lifetime friend, and wise protector.

A huge part of healing is re-discovering the relationship between you and your body. We’ve been taught that the mind is an all-powerful and all-knowing means to dominate the physical form. This approach creates an unbalanced power dynamic that can result in a burned-out, painful, sick body. Learning to tap in to your body and understand how it communicates and how it has been ignored is the first step toward healing the relationship between you and your physical form.

How to go about that learning process is a unique challenge for each person! Sometimes it starts as simply as breathing. Sometimes it’s sitting in a safe and accepting space, finding a moment of calm. Sometimes it’s getting a break from pain and tension that lets you remember how good your body can feel. Sometimes those simple moments of respite can snap us out of mind-dominated chaos and discover an easy moment of partnership with the body. That’s what body work with me has to offer.


60 minute treatments

1 session $150

3 sessions $430

5 sessions $700

All packages include 1 free NovoTHOR session

Ask about discounts for military & first responders.

View our Payment Policy

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Fascial Stretch Therapy

FST Assisted Stretching targets the body's fascia, or connective tissue, to address flexibility restrictions in the long, functional lines that your body naturally uses.

Myofacial Release

MFR explores restricted spaces in the body’s extensive connective tissue web, addressing musculoskeletal and visceral components of movement.

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Primal Reflex Release Technique

PRRT works with your body's innate reflexes to drop muscle tone, break up holding patterns, and reduce the effects of physical and emotional stress on the body.

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Hawkgrips IASTM

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization breaks up fascial restrictions and helps drop muscle tone for more effective movement.

Physical Therapy FAQ

Q: Do you take insurance?

A: Connected PTW is a private-pay practice, and we do not participate with any insurance plans.  Please view our payment policy for more information.

Q: Do I need a prescription?

A: No. In Ohio, a physical therapist can see clients through direct access, which means a prescription from your doctor is not necessary. If you consent, we will write a letter to your physician letting them know that you are under our care for a newly diagnosed issue.

Q: What should I wear?

A: Comfortable clothing, like you're going to the gym. Compression shorts are a good idea for guys, and clean socks are a nice touch.

Q: Will we start treatment at the first session?

A: Yes, we typically perform and evaluation and start hands-on treatment within the first 60 minute session.

Q: Are all sessions 60 minutes?

A: Sessions are typically 60 minutes, but 30 and 90 minute sessions are also available, depending on your needs.  Prices are adjusted accordingly.

Q: Is Tracy allergic to perfume?

A: Yes, very much! Please don’t wear any heavy scents, perfumes, or colognes. I can work so much better without a headache!