Intuitive Energy Work/Reiki

The Basics:

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Basically, you’ve got your physical form (your human suit) and your energetic form (your soul-self). Those two things together make the entity that is You, moving through the world. Balance between the two can open up possibilities for lifelong wellness.

The Deeper Dive:

Each session of energy work is a unique alchemy between the practitioner and the client. Each time we come together, we bring our growth, our expanding awareness, and our ability to embrace change. That’s why energy work will feel different between different practitioners, or even with the same practitioner session to session. 

The more I do this work, the more I realize that my gifts lie in facilitating the change that your soul-self wants to make. I can go into a session with an agenda like the structure of Reiki, but more often than not, that structure falls to the wayside. Once I create a safe and neutral space for your soul-self to come forward, I ask “What do you need?” And the answer is always unique. Sometimes it’s shedding current or past life cords, sometimes it’s reconnecting with your soul’s origin, sometimes it’s meeting with spirit guides or passed loved ones who step into the space. Sometimes I get messages to share, and sometimes it’s quiet. There is no right or wrong, no “advanced” or “beginner” work. We’re facilitating change as your soul-self sees fit.

Once changes are made, I can clear out any blocks that are being held in the physical body. I use Reiki to re-calibrate and re-integrate your energetic and physical forms at your unique resonance. It takes longer for the physical body to catch up to energetic changes, so re-calibrating is vital–it can take days or weeks after your session for change to fully settle in.

Is energy work right for you?

Only you can answer that! But here’s some food for thought:

  • Do you feel like you’re at a pivot point in your life? Like change is coming and you want to fully embrace things as they unfold? Energy work can set you up to navigate change by balancing your soul-self and your physical form so you can move through life as smoothly as possible.

  • Do you feel ready to set down some heavy emotions, relationships, traumas, or events in your life? Energy work can help you release what is no longer serving you, integrating soul lessons and removing old ties to help you move on.

  • Do you feel stuck or anxious? Like you’re spinning your wheels, mentally caught in the hamster wheel of life? Energy work can help you feel calm and relaxed, with a lighter perspective after reconnecting with something deeper than the everyday world.


30 min session: $80